Sunday, August 10, 2014

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Ok today is just a short post but today is my brother's birthday!!!! I just wanted to say happy birthday to Stuart and what a wonderful brother he is happy 13 birthday!!!! I'm so lucky to have him

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A surprise when I camp home from silver spur christian camp

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a LONG LONG time. We'll I have got one SUPRISE for you guys and he is one cutie it is.... RUSTY MY DOG!!!  Btw I got a dog so yeah here's a picture
Oh right I played with this picture on the app Colorsplash but that's my dog rusty forgot to mention he is a boy and he is 2 months old oh Aimee I can tell you this when I get to your house today but not to be mean the milkshakes are not that big :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hi :)

Hi guys... Oh man oh man oh man ICE CREAM MAN GIMME ICE CREAM NOW -runs off to get ice cream- Oh I'm back from ice cream I'm like when I heard him.. WHAT... THE CHEESE I WANT ICE CREAM. So then I got ice cream and came back here this post was for something but I will do it next time OH I LOVE THIS ICE CREAM OH I LOVE IT OH YEAH!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The end of the Hawaii trip :(

Hey guys and gals I'm just going home from... (Five hours later) ...ok this is getting boring I will just tell you it's Hawaii!!!! I went surfing and I went to a beach with HUGE WAVES that people were riding and for my birthday I want a wetsuit and watershoes and a surfboard! Oh and something for Isabelle (my doll) this stuff is not stuff you have to get I just got inspired to have those we'll see ya!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Sunshine tag

Thanks Elliebob for tagging me!
Ok so I'm supposed to share a link but I don't know how anyway I have to answer  these questions

What is you dream job?
Well I would like to be a teacher I sometimes imagine me being a teacher in class
What are some goals for 2014?
I would like to get better grades in math and dance
If you had three wishes what would they be?
I would like to get Isabelle's Studio for my doll Isabelle and I wish I could fly also I wish I had a million dollars
What did you like in 2013?
I liked when I got a Xbox 360 and Disney infinity with cool characters and 2 more games I also liked my Alaska trip on the Disney cruise line
What it your favorite place to go?
The ocean. Taking my shoes off and walking in the sand and looking and the sunset while singing it's also very peaceful snorkeling too.
What song describes you the most?
Let it go - Idina Menzel What makes you beautiful - (I dont know who does this) When will my life begin - Mandy Moore
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In high school. Learning stuff pretty much it also getting a job that's it.
How do you describe yourself?
Peaceful, Graceful, Brave that really all.
What's your inspiration?
Be kinder to my brother, to obey more, and to work better in school.
Did you like doing this post?
Yeah this oppritunity was awesome!

I just started blogging do I will tag as many people as I can. I also don't know hoe to do links sorry about that

I tag:



That's it lol bye!


GUYS IM BACK FROM DISNEY WORLD AND IVE GOT THE NEW AMERICAN GIRL DOLL OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! I also have changed the title of the blog over time I will change it here is a pic of the doll

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Secrets in DISNEYWORLD!!!!! ( I don't know what the title should be so I put that :)

Hey guys! It's me Leah I am on a trip we are here at Walt Disneyworld! We have Princess Tiana's room and THE NEW MICKEY BANDS!!!! MINE IS PINK LOL XD. Now we are done with that breakthrough I will tell you about what rides we went on today. First I will tell you where we went we went to the Animal Kingdom. Now  the rides we went to a safari and... the one AND only...   
EXPEDTION EVEREST!!!!!!! I saw the YETI!!! I want to show you what i got today it is a secret so you can say it in the comments I can't tell you but you can I will give you a hint

0. It is a doll but what kind of doll my generation, American girl, Disney animated princesses? If you think they have a name you need to tell me it and what brand like American girl and I will give you a pic of it but it isn't the picture of the doll it might be its hair, clothes, eye, lips yeah so here it is also it can be a  
Barbie doll :-)