Sunday, December 29, 2013

Secrets in DISNEYWORLD!!!!! ( I don't know what the title should be so I put that :)

Hey guys! It's me Leah I am on a trip we are here at Walt Disneyworld! We have Princess Tiana's room and THE NEW MICKEY BANDS!!!! MINE IS PINK LOL XD. Now we are done with that breakthrough I will tell you about what rides we went on today. First I will tell you where we went we went to the Animal Kingdom. Now  the rides we went to a safari and... the one AND only...   
EXPEDTION EVEREST!!!!!!! I saw the YETI!!! I want to show you what i got today it is a secret so you can say it in the comments I can't tell you but you can I will give you a hint

0. It is a doll but what kind of doll my generation, American girl, Disney animated princesses? If you think they have a name you need to tell me it and what brand like American girl and I will give you a pic of it but it isn't the picture of the doll it might be its hair, clothes, eye, lips yeah so here it is also it can be a  
Barbie doll :-)